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Money. You Got This.

Jan 27, 2020

Man is this guy Mike Kesner a stud. And he's a dentist. Can I even say that in the same sentence? 

He grew his dental practice to 7 figures in like 4 minutes. Wild. 

The guy knows his stuff. Dentists - learn from MK. 

He is solid - and can help you execute your vision!


  1. Getting Started
  2. Running the Business

Jan 15, 2020

I think I have had braces since like 8th grade. I wore a headgear for 13 hours a day. I'm not kidding.

I was a nut with the ortho drama!

Enter Amanda Wilson - Orthodontist. Advisor to dentists. Mother. With a killer Hawaiian accent. 

She helps dentists grow their biz, with some ortho consulting on the side. Listen...